copyright date: August 2012 primarily marketed for: young adults (8 th grade and up) Every once in a while I read a book so amazing that I am torn between the urge to keep the wonder of its story all to myself and the desire to share its goodness with all the world. Every Day by David Levithan is just such a book. Becky Anderson, an owner of Anderson’s Bookshops said this is a book everyone should read. She is right. Every Day is the story of ‘A.’ ‘A’ wakes up each morning in a different person’s body. ‘A’ has no gender, no race, no sexual orientation. ‘A’ takes on the unique qualities of whatever body ‘A’ is inhabiting for the day. Being that ‘A’ shifts from body to body, it is nearly impossible to make connections. Any connections made have the potential to create difficulties for the owner of the body in which the connection was made. As a result, ‘A’ seems desti...
{ a blog about books by a reader who teaches }